

Dining Room Mirror

I said yesterday I would post today about my mirror!!

I am still so 'happy' that my hubby found this at a yard sale, early summer, for only....$40!

I didn't mind the darker frame color when I had all darks in my decor. Now that I'm attempting to lighten things up, I decided that in my dining room with the white table, black hutch, and my black stripe curtains, the dark espresso really didn't jive too well along with the other colors.

So, this past weekend, out came my paintbrush, painters tape and my gold metallic paint pot!! I love how it turned out. {Along with my fall pumpkins and gourds}

After the gold was finished, I had moved onto painting my couch, when I decided I wanted to do some very light brush strokes of white paint, I really like the little highlights of 'barely there' white. I think it added a whole  different feel to the frame.

Linking this post to Kim's Wow Us Wednesday #36 @ SavvySouthernStyle

I am at my mom's canning applesauce....she is about to turn off the computer!! Good Night All!! :)


Some Living Room Shots

If you remember my free couch I posted about a while ago, then you'll remember this couch....

Here it is before:

My inspiration I came across on Pinterest {after I got the couch}:

And now!:

{BTW: that mirror behind the couch is gonna be my next victim! I'll be back in the next day or two with my dining room mirror...that ginormous one? Whoop!! It looks sooooo much better!! :) }

I decided to tackle this job on Saturday afternoon while my girlies were taking a nap. It took about one and a half hours from start to finish, and it was done all free hand! I attempted to tape off the material so I wouldn't get paint on it...well after several times of it falling off {wasn't sticky enough} and the right paint brush method, I just free handed it!!

I love it! I guess I'm just a funky soul, but it's so cozy, and I've been staring/sitting/gazing at it just loving the way it turned out!! It will do until I have either the dough, or the knowledge, to recover it!!

Here is some more shots of that area.

To the left of this last picture, I am working on something to fill in the space between the loveseat and the wall, plus something to tie in these two seating areas. I have an idea, just need to get out my sewing machine!!

{I am also so excited that I found my camera!! It's a lot better to take pictures with, even though I'm not a photographer!....Someday, though, I want to learn how to use my camera, and learn how to take pictures!! Ahhhhh so many things to tweak, design, sew, capture on if I can figure out how to do all that along with my many other things!!}

Time to go to bed, lots to do tomorrow! I do plan to post about my dining room mirror!!

Linking this post to:
Sarah's Vintage Furniture Makeover Party @ Three Boys
Marian's FFF @ Miss Mustard Seed



Kitchen Sink Love

I have never really posted anything, or shown for that matter, much about my kitchen.....well's kinda , not really, embarrassing??? The cabinets are worse than from 50's/60's era. They are two tone, white frames and that orange-ish wood stain doors.! I'm thankful though, that they are all intact, clean, and serviceable, along with matching door knobs/pulls. They just aren't....current??

But that doesn't stop me from trying to make my tiny kitchen cute-ish....right?

I've got these little shelves on either side of the kitchen sink, that are fun to set things on, and a big bright window layout.

I really am being honest. I'm super thankful for my windows here! They were replaced not very long ago, and they open up, instead of slide open!! {I know I'm weird}
Back to the kitchen sink area, it facing the front of the house, and its one of those corner dealios:

It needs some love!!!

Do you sometimes think all the things we tweak and decorate so we can do this in style?

I am sharing some inspiration, for some simple tweaking,  I found this morning on pinterest, {I've added more fun onto my todo list!!}

There's so many more fun ones to look through, and some of these are a little busy, but I love what they've done around their kitchen sinks. I am severely limited as to what I can do, being it's a rental, but...I do have a few ideas in mind! I do know that the last photo is definitely my favorite!!

It's just finding the time, yes? I thought being a SAHM for a while, I would have all this free time on my hands...haha!!! Yeah right! Kids are more work than my customers!! Fun...but time consuming!

Have a wonderful day, and I hope I didn't scare you too bad with the photos of my kitchen!! LOL!
