

Our First Sale!!!

Boy this week has been fun! {In all seriousness!!} I am kidless for the weekend, my husband took my babies to see their grandma and grandpa in Oregon. Our church had a Ladies Conference about 30 minutes away and we had service last night, spent the night in the hotel, and got up early {?} this morning for another service. It was a great time and fellowship with our friends {making new ones!}

So what does this have to do with Velveteen Rabbit? I'm slowly rambling there! We set up and sold some of our stuff we've been compiling, and staying up till 1, 2 {maybe 3} in the morning for the last several weeks! I had alot of fun. So here is some pictures of our little table...sadly this is the mock-up before the conference, and I was so frazzled I didn't get around to snapping some pics in action!

By the way, the conference was AWESOME! Next year if you are in the area, you definately should attend. There is some great life changing inspiration brought out from the Bible. The lady that taught this year and last {hopefully in the future too!} Outdid herself. She is an awesome speaker, has two little children, loves God, plays the piano and sings beautifully unto the Lord! I know I'm not describing her like she is in must attend and find out for yourself!

Main Display Table

Our 'Cinderella' {as Makenzie calls her} with our pillow slips on it

Close up of our shoe clip display

Some of our smaller pillows pre stuffed, we changed our mind and displayed these in a vintage looked much nicer!

Remember Ladies, next week, Friday April 1st,  is the Grand Opening of our little Etsy shop!!! It's open now, but there is nothing listed!
Hope you all have a wonderful rest of your weekend!
God Bless You!!!


  1. Congrats!! I'm proud of you!!

  2. Thank you Vicki! It's been a lot of work! Thanks for supporting me {us!}

  3. Love the shoe clipys!!


I really enjoy reading your feedback!! Thank you very much for taking the time to write me a note!! xo ~*Jessica