

A Metal Linky Party

                                                         Have you heard of Jami from:

On Saturday she is hosting a linky party:

Show casing.....
 "your own little collections of metal
whether it's shiny, rusty, faux, vintage, modern...whatever."
{from Jami @ F.L.}


I am excited!! I've been wanting to 'showcase' my silver pieces for awhile now!!

My mother and I have quite a bit!

Day Dream:
Along time ago {well to me!!} when I was dreaming about my wedding, I wanted vintage silver teapots to place at each of guest's tables for centerpieces, filled with flowers.

Real Life:
I didn't have tables at my wedding...and I had collected about 10 or 15...{or somewhere in between} antique silver teapots.
{You're wondering where I put the guests? Welllll there was chairs and guests just sat or stood around..sorry not very 'guest-friendly'

All those teapots? Sitting in our cupboards!
Sooooo...My to-do list this week is to polish my silver and take some pictures!

Have a great day!! 

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I really enjoy reading your feedback!! Thank you very much for taking the time to write me a note!! xo ~*Jessica