


I do love me some white...but as you can probably tell I haven't done alot of decorating with it.
It's been such gorgeous weather the last couple of days, I felt like doing a little something to bring some sunshine inside!

Tulips and pompoms...and some 'stolen' weeping willow twigs {well...borrowed, thanks Mom!!}
And right after I took the photos the powdered doughnut holes...wellllll they are no longer there!

The silver candleabra is from my mom's wedding...28 years ago!

I love fresh flowers!!

Another shot...

I am planning on linking this to Faded Charm's 100th White Wednesday

Hope you all have a wonderful day!!!
Off to work now.



  1. Love your sweet pitcher of posies!
    Happy day to you and your family!

  2. So pretty. I love your vignette and the pitcher of flowers is beautiful. Well done. Hugs, Marty

  3. Beautiful arrangement. Such pretty flowers and a lovely setting. Great photos!

  4. What a pretty vignette Jessica! Thanks for sharing your post at Photo Feature Friday. Hope you're having a nice weekend :)



I really enjoy reading your feedback!! Thank you very much for taking the time to write me a note!! xo ~*Jessica