

DIY Kitchen Canisters!!

Wowzers!! I can't believe I'm actually posting a 'real' myself post!! It's been like a gazillion years. If you are reading this and wondering what I'm talking about, hop over here to find out where I've been!

Anyways, I've been wanting canisters for my kitchen counters for a super long time. The problem? I never seemed to find anything that I liked, or could afford. 

Now, I know these clear glass jars aren't new to anyone...but hey! I don't know why it finally dawned on me to check them out...

I got three of them at Target for less than 25.00!! 

Now they didn't come with the labels on them! They obviously came plain jane!

I was looking on etsy, just browsing around, and some how came across these decals!! You can find them here. They took about 3 minutes to attach all of them, and I love how they turned out. (In case you were wondering why the labels don't read English...I'm weird and love French I chose to have the contents spelled out in French!!) 

And to top it off....I was re organizing my dining room closet...and came across an old tea set. I thought these little china tea cups were pretty cute scooper-outers!! (If I can keep from breaking them, as they are pretty delicate).

My kitchen is pretty small, with near zero counter space. It's kinda a fun challenge to find attractive, yet functional pieces. 

Linking up to:

**Don't know if countertops count as tables ...but will try!!- (I guess you could totally incorporate something like this into a fancy 'vignette'!! Enjoy Marty's blog...she's such a sweet lady, and has a beautiful home!

Hope you all have a beautiful day!!
I hope to not be gone as long this time!

God Bless


  1. Hi lovely lady.
    I love your Beautiful postting so sweet, I do love your new Glass Jar's you did a great job on them sweet. Im your newest follower on your blog now. I hope you can come over and join my Tablescapes. And I hope you have a great week OK. XXOO Diane

  2. Oh, you're good! I love your pretty cannisters! Love the glass and the little graphic is perfect!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Oh I love, love, love your canisters. I don't have mine out on the counter because they're usually just so ugly or boring. These look fantastic and I love the decal that you chose, plus french is always good. What a great idea to use the little china cups for the scoope. Very clever and so pretty. Plus, since they are glass, they really don't take up space visually. Yes, I think these definitely qualify for TTT. Thanks for joining. Hugs, Marty

  4. Hi lovely lady.

    Thanks so much for getting back to me so sweet of you. I love your Beautiful comments about my Tablescapes. I hope you have a great week with your lovely family.
    XXOO Diane

  5. What pretty decals. They looks so nice.

  6. The labels came from my daughters Etsy store . doesn't she do beautiful work .. she makes me so proud .. thank you so much for mentioning her work. By the way .. the canisters are beautiful .. love the french .. and the pictures are wonderful.. You and my Jessica, both have an eye for beauty.


I really enjoy reading your feedback!! Thank you very much for taking the time to write me a note!! xo ~*Jessica