

It's the small things...

Since the mantle decorating binge earlier this week...I've made another {very small} attempt at fall decorating! I had a couple of weeks ago, shoved these conglomeration of items on the table top, and it kind of just stayed there. 

The clear apothecary jar had a nest with eggs in it. It's amazing how replacing the nest with these pumpkins, the difference it made!

{btw....I painted my table...white, as you can see in the pictures...more on that later!}

I am in California right now for my little brother's wedding! I didn't get to bring Maci with me :( She's at home with Josh, so it's my parents, sister and niece, Makenzie & myself! The wedding is on Saturday, but we got here early to help wrap things up! I am excited to get another sister, and I know the girls are excited about getting a new Auntie!! 

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. I love your simple, fall tablescape! ;) I wish I could get in the mood for's just a little too warm in the afternoons here! lol

    Anyway, have a great weekend, and enjoy the wedding!


  2. Love your table and chairs and the little punkins are just too cute!!!!!Enjoy the wedding.

  3. Oh, those little pumpkins are so cute! They almost look like candy and I want to eat them :)


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