

~To Inspire~

I've been browsing....Pinterest.....and have compiled a list of inspirations....and {sorry hunny!!}a longer todo list!  Maybe I should change 'ToDo List' to 'Wish List'?

Would love to do something like this in my hallway...Gallery theme would be centered around family. Console table would be very small....and would hold our wallet, keys, and phones.
Spotted this saying about children....pretty much is my heart about my little lovelies.
My couch will soon look like this...all cream/white pillows
Need to find a coffee table similar in style....someday....
More coming on these....hopefully soon! Hint: Dining Room!

This barely scratches the surface....

Have a great day!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Jessica,
    I'm glad that you stopped by in to say hello!

    God Bless Mary Bridge. My granddaughter was born in June. She had what they now call a hip click. She was seeing an orthopedic doctor every week until about three weeks ago. Now she doesn't
    have to go back until December! Yeah!

    I love Pinterest as well. I have actually found some very special blog talent while pinning!

    Your post today was energetic and inspirational!
    I am so happy that we have met!



I really enjoy reading your feedback!! Thank you very much for taking the time to write me a note!! xo ~*Jessica