

New Art In The Living Room

So since everything doesn't stay in one spot for long around here....

I rearranged the living room and the bedroom about a month ago. Furniture was swapped around, leaving a blank hole behind the piano.


The piece of art looks so nice hanging there.

 I did forget to remove those empty frames. Oops! They were left over from my frame gallery wall on the opposite side of the living room {that has been removed}. 

Where did I get it? 

My imagination and my hubby!!

I asked if we could use boards that we got from our neighbor {yup still have a few left!!}

I have some of this left:

And of course this:

I knew I wanted a design on it, something leafy...I attempted free handing it...and well, it was so bad that I didn't even take a picture of it. {the kind of bad that your hubby just looks at it while wondering how did leaves end up looking like pillows on sticks}

My fireplace screen was begging to be painted-


{yup..that's a blue candle in there!}

Can you guess what I did?

I placed the fireplace screen over the center of the boards and lightly painted! 
Super easy...and it looks a whole lot better than half deflated pillows on sticks, haha!!

Can't get much better than the cost either!! 


gotta love those kinda things!

As soon as I get a couple more things done {big news..huh!?} I'll show you how the living room is shaping up!! 

Off to take care of this little beauty..She's been complaining of a 'head-ick' {translation: headache}

Linking up to {links will work as they become available!}

Happy Tuesday!



Inspiration for My Loo!

Yep! The bathroom is the current victim in this house!! I posted HORRIBLE photos of it here.

I've got just a couple more smaller projects left in there.

I'm excited to show you it when it's done {hopefully soon?}

Meanwhile, to keep me going, I'll show you what it's ending up looking like:

Promise real photos of my house is coming soon!! 

Things never stay the same around here for long!!

I've found out the date I'll be able to return to work. Maci is doing better overall. Still lots of hurdles to jump through. I can't believe it's been over seven months since I've worked!

I still have another four weeks to get everything in order...well the DIY projects!! 

Can I do it?



Little Girl's Bedroom Love!!

I came across this little girl's bedroom today... 

Isn't it lovely?!

 Makes me wanna get out my paint brush!!!

For more info and pictures about this room please visit here.

Meanwhile we are having some R & R
as a family!!

Hope your weekend is as blessed as ours hopes to be :)



What an inspiration & Young House Love Meet!!

I've been noticing a lot of these hanging around lately

....Wooden Chandeliers...

I know I'm *light years* something that's obviously been around a looooonnnng time! {duh!}  
...but, I've been falling in love with these! 

-what else is new?! haha

Yesterday, a friend and I went on a little road trip to meet John and Sherry of Young House Love!!

They were speaking in Portland, at the Home and Garden Show.

{please excuse my creepo eyes...I can't stand pictures of myself, and we were laughing that I was a tad starstruck!!}

They were such a fun couple to meet...very sweet and funny!!
If you haven't checked their blog out, you should! They've been blogging for a while now, and I love their DIY outlook on life :) 

They have been working on updating their ranch-style home and blogging about it, while being hands-on parents to a very adorable little girl, oh and we can't forget about Burger, their little dog!!

They also recently tackled their first book, which is due sometime in the fall...
{Yes, they seemed in real life like they blog!}

It was such a fun day, spent making memories!!

Happy Thursday!!!



My Girls Are Growing Up!!!

I asked my girls to make their beds this morning....
This is what I found-

Aren't they cute??? They were so proud of their beds!!
I think they did a pretty stellar job...considering they are 5 and 4!

This proud mama is gonna go make my hubby a peach pie...
Today is our eighth wedding anniversary!

Happy Tuesday!!



What's Your Number?

I mentioned recently...

I am a sucker for a splash of industrial.

I'm guessing that's reason I get all weak-kneed when I see something that has numbers?? {just kidding..well kind of}

I was recently mentioning something to my husband about decorating with numbers/sayings.


His reply?

You're going to put more words and numbers in here???

Ha! I love him :)

I don't have THAT many! {I'm not counting!! pun intended}

Saturday, I did this to a little piece of furniture that still needs work...gotta get handles on the thing-obviously, and let the paint finish curing before I set anything on it.

You probably have seen these plates in my dining room-

This next project took less than 10 minutes from start to finish {seriously!}
I've had some lightweight muslin totes in my fabric stash for quite some time.
Since my girls are old enough to carry their own toys and snack when we go out {like to church or clinic}
I figured we'd give this a try,

In all our switch-a-rooing around here, I took this shelf out of the girls room {will show you soon why} and decided to place in on the wall in the hall. Our hall is pretty wide and useable for how small it is. 
The space between the bathroom and the girls bedroom was a great spot for it. 

These cute little totes match the decor and are so easy to snatch while we are on the run, which is just about everyday!

I was thinking of putting our names on them, but decided since Maci was the shortest, I'd go for our birth year!!

Hey, maybe it will be a slight learning experience!! {clarify...the girls!! haha}

I have a few other numbers that mean something to me...

21 {the date of our anniversary-2/21}
01 {my birthday-11/01}
03 {hubby's birthday-10/03}
29 {maci's birthday-3/29}
22 {kenzie's birthday-10/22}
38 {the year our house was built}
13 {the anniversary/birthdate of me being saved-01/13}

Anyways! I've got a few different stencils and have to fight the urge to run around stenciling everything in sight...yah I'm a nut!

What numbers mean something to you??

I'm linking up to Wow Us Wednesday's at Savvy Southern Style

Have a wonderful day :)



Making My Heart Pitter Patter....

Here's a peek at what I've been working on recently...I'm just about done with it.
Currently, I am"patiently" waiting for hubby to help me hang it {it's quite heavy for me} Over our bed is the intended spot for it.

 It's kind of fitting for Valentines Day!!

Can't complain about the price....since it was constructed using existing supplies = FREE!!

I am on the hunt for items to hang around it that are softer, since I'm more into this style:

{all images via}

I know I am a little off...I find myself going after different styles.


Things that make my poor husband go.... AHHHH!!!

So my redneck remedy? Just mix it all together!!

I know my style(s) aren't for everyone..but I sure enjoy it!!

Here's how we dressed for church last night...{sorta valentine-ish!!}
I love my babies {yup..hubby included!!}

Hope you all have an awesome Valentines Day!!!



That Dresser, Shabby French for Me & Thank You!!!

I want to say a great big "Thank you" to Rachel from Shabby French For Me.
I was able to meet her and her husband on Saturday, when I went to pick up a dresser from her!
Such sweet people!
If you haven't seen her gorgeous home and blog...please do hop over for a visit!
My husband was on cloud nine when he found someone {Rachel's hubby} that could sympathize with him on our ever changing home decor!!

I just love the dresser in the girl's bedroom, it fits perfectly!

{our love of eiffel towers, and initials!!}

Now that I've redone/redoing the rest of the house, can't leave the girl's room out!! Thankfully their room is small....and shared, so a cute window treatment, bedding and a few small changes in art will make a huge difference!!

Also, Thank You to all you who are praying for my little girl, Maci. She is definitely a blessing, and it's been such a wonderful lesson of courage, strength and endurance these last seven months! God is working in her life {and ours!!}. We are so grateful and thankful for all His blessings and pray that His will be done!

Yet, another THANK YOU to all my readers who make blogging fun!! I cherish your notes and emails. I'm so blessed.

We've been so excited to have some gorgeous weather these last couple of days here in the Pacific Northwest!!
{the view I have from my bedroom :) Please excuse the power lines!!}

Well, I am off to go enjoy this beautiful sunshine, and wish you all a WONDERFUL Tuesday!!
