

What an inspiration & Young House Love Meet!!

I've been noticing a lot of these hanging around lately

....Wooden Chandeliers...

I know I'm *light years* something that's obviously been around a looooonnnng time! {duh!}  
...but, I've been falling in love with these! 

-what else is new?! haha

Yesterday, a friend and I went on a little road trip to meet John and Sherry of Young House Love!!

They were speaking in Portland, at the Home and Garden Show.

{please excuse my creepo eyes...I can't stand pictures of myself, and we were laughing that I was a tad starstruck!!}

They were such a fun couple to meet...very sweet and funny!!
If you haven't checked their blog out, you should! They've been blogging for a while now, and I love their DIY outlook on life :) 

They have been working on updating their ranch-style home and blogging about it, while being hands-on parents to a very adorable little girl, oh and we can't forget about Burger, their little dog!!

They also recently tackled their first book, which is due sometime in the fall...
{Yes, they seemed in real life like they blog!}

It was such a fun day, spent making memories!!

Happy Thursday!!!



  1. Hello Jessica

    How exciting to meet a blogger. I have met but one so far and it was a most memorable experience.
    I shall their out their blog. Thanks


  2. Nice post today- I am headed over to check out their blog- thanks for telling us about them. xo Diana

  3. Love those chandeliers too! Looks like you had a great time!! xoxo Rachel


I really enjoy reading your feedback!! Thank you very much for taking the time to write me a note!! xo ~*Jessica