

The Good, Bad & the Ugly

 About two weeks ago, I had the bright idea to refinish my kitchen table. 

{the old one...} 

I wanted to go for something like this:

It had a lot of 'under the paint damage, like water, etc.....which I shortly found out...

My hubby and his buddy {like that rhyme?} told me that the table top, was particle board. I said, "No way!"

Uh huh!

So while it was snowing and storming outside, I was making a snowstorm, inside. Except instead of snow, I was sanding!

I started off trying to strip the layers off with a paint/varnish remover. Well only about a tenth of the finish came off. Now! I had a hot mess. All slimy and goopy.

{yuck! and don't worry, the kids weren't around to get high on fumes...and the windows were open}

I've put in about 5 hours into this table {sanding and stripping} and I ruined it. OOPS!

Guess what? I sanded too far along the outer edges. Causing the...yup...particle board to be exposed, which was all crumbly and warped from the previous water damage.

I really did like the table....I am really bummed! Especially since my mom gave it to me about six years!

It was black, and I left it black until about six months ago. I thought I wanted a white table.

The white table was nice for a while, but again, impatient me never listened to the hubby and the buddy, and didn't sand or anything...just painted over it {MISTAKE!}

Apparently my kids are a lot harder on tables than I realized. Oh, and looking at the before photos, I realized I changed my chairs. I will post later on those...yup think, white/cream material, slipcovers, kids and ketchup = crazy mom!!

So! My title!?

The Good? I found a table for $40 on CL {thanks food money...} and with the leaf, it will seat 8 people!

{Forgot to get a before sanding pic}
The Bad? I am sad I lost my table

The Ugly? The mess I had to clean up in our driveway!! and no, I didn't take a picture

~*Why can't I learn to listen to people who know what they are talking about?? 

Our dining room now, what I came up with using what I had...

Here's a sneak peek of what we are working on now-

Bedroom update...Since I'm done destroying tables, rearranging the living room and organizing closets, I hope to get back to doing the bedroom. Have done a few more things since posted last about it, and am working on the headboard, and the wall that the bed is on. 

Linking up to-{links will work as they come available}


  1. Hi Jessica!
    I'm taking a little break at work to pop in and say hello!
    Your new dining room table is beautiful! Don't you just love Craig's List?

    I have some catching up to do on Maci's blog. I worked extra hours last week to make up snow days.

    You are always in my thoughts and prayers!

  2. I love your new table! Too bad about the first one (don't you hate it when hubby is right?) Can't wait to see what you are working on!


  3. What a bummer on your first table :( Your finished product looks amazing though and the results are fabulous! I just did a table re-do as well and it was definitely a lot of work!

  4. Too bad about your old table. I've done the same thing before, you are not alone. But the new table turned out lovely.

  5. Your new table is lovely~ sorry about your other one. Thanks for linking up at Feathered Nest Friday!

  6. It was so wonderful meeting you today Jessica! :) I love your blog. Your dining mirror is gorgeous.did you find it on CL?? Lets get together in Sumner soon! Hugs, Rachel

  7. Rachel, My hubby actually found it at a garage sale up in Lake Tapps last June! They have a huge community sale right around the first Saturday in June! It was a dark espresso..and of course it's not now! LOL I also left a comment on your blog post too!! Yes! Lets get together sometime!! Have a great rest of your day!

  8. Don't you hate it when your husband's right, especially about decorating projects? :-)
    Found you via French Farmhouse 425.
    Glad to be your newest follower, Mary Alice Hop on over for a visit when you get a chance.

  9. Hi Jessica~~ I just came over to your blog from Rachel's blog. I am your newest follower. Lucky to get the beautiful dresser:))Looking forward to following you.
    Hope you are enjoying the weekend.
    Fresh Vanilla For C

  10. Your new table looks fabulous in your dining room! I hate it when DH is right...thank goodness it isn't very often though! LOL
    Have a great weekend!

    I am also your newest follower :o)

  11. I found you through ShabbyFrenchForme and am your newest follower. I am so saddened to hear about your little 5 year old. I have a 5 year old granddaughter and she is one of the brightest spots in my life. Just today, while MyHero and I were out driving he said, "We are so lucky to have such healthy grandchildren"...and we thanked God for that. I am keeping your daughter and your family in my prayers. God bless you- xo Diana

  12. First, I am praying for your adorable little daughter. I just know that all will be well with her.
    I am new to your blog, and though I am sorry you ruined your loving table, I did so enjoy your telling of the tale and the end result is gorgeous. I love the huge mirror that you have there, I have a similar one in the living room, but I think it would serve me better in the dining room. Yours looks amazing there, thanks for the inspiration!
    New follower,

  13. Hahaha Jessica, you are too funny! Love your funny story! lol But I do like your new table - it's amazing! Wish I could find something like that - our table is black right now too! lol Anyway, take care and enjoy your Super Bowl Sunday weekend.


  14. Hi Jessie,
    i just found your blog whilst visiting Shabby French For Me. I have to say I admire your dedication with that table and the finishing result proves that you certainly work at it! lol
    I also would love to join all your friendly bloggers to surround you and your family in prayers for Maci. I'll keep visiting because I love your beautiful spirit xo

  15. Hi Jessie,
    i just found your blog whilst visiting Shabby French For Me. I have to say I admire your dedication with that table and the finishing result proves that you certainly work at it! lol
    I also would love to join all your friendly bloggers to surround you and your family in prayers for Maci. I'll keep visiting because I love your beautiful spirit xo


I really enjoy reading your feedback!! Thank you very much for taking the time to write me a note!! xo ~*Jessica