

Fun Family Day in Seattle & A Winner!!

Here is what we accomplished yesterday! Josh took the day off work, and we took some family time to

We live a couple of blocks away from the Sounder Commuter Rail Station.

So we walked to the station and purchased two roundtrip tickets to Seattle (the girls were free!)

When we got there we hopped over (or lugged our stuff) onto the city bus and went further into town.
This was a chair display at Nordstroms

The girls were pretty much wide eyes the first part of the trip. They really enjoyed themselves (us? it was definately interesting!)

We went to Starbucks for breakfast, visited Borders Bookstore (to get some books for the girls to read in the stroller), went over a block to Anthropologie {{my new fave store to look!!}} where I came away with these:

We also strolled down through the art district, got in {{free}}!!! at the Seattle Art Museum and saw these interesting art displays, Maci was starting to get upset that there wasn't anything for her and Makenzie to play with, until we rounded a corner and walah!!! There was a pretty good sized play room for kids!!! Yay! We stayed there for about an hour!

The SAM was the last stop-well big one before we went back to the train station. I found that Starbucks makes some killer Salty Caramel Bars...ummmmm delicious!

Now for the best part of the post for you guys? The winner of the Chandelier Pillow!

Goes to Shirl, the writer of The White House blog! Please email me your information, and I will get it sent out to you! Thank you all for participating! Hope you have a wonderful weekend...mine will be something I will post about later...


  1. WOW! I won! Thank you so much ... :0)

    Looks like you had a wonderful family day out in Seattle. Love your mugs you bought and the SAM looks interesting.

  2. I think its because I'm half asleep (its 4.24 am here in the UK) but I can't seem to find your email address to send my details to. If you could email me, then I can email you lol! ... :0)


I really enjoy reading your feedback!! Thank you very much for taking the time to write me a note!! xo ~*Jessica