

I am not a Hoarder!

{{My goal to have my house look like!! :) }}
(This was copied from house has never looked like this...)

What??!? Me? A Hoarder? Have you heard of the TV show The Hoarders? I don't watch TV but, yes, I've heard of it. Through the grapevine. I ask around, look up a clip on youtube. My goodness!!! My husband accused me of being a hoarder. He actually was forced let me take over the garage for some 'furniture projects' about 2 months ago. The 'projects' still are in there along with a TON of other 'treasures' I've come across while thrifting (I LOVE goodwill). SO! I am publicly making a pledge. I am OFFICIALLY becoming a DE-hoarder!

It's actually a joke now among our household. My husband is becoming a drill sergeant (or attempting to).
I am pledging not to go thrifting until I can clear out the garage and make some sense of the mess, and ORGANIZE.

We started with the girls bedroom last week. I took a before photo and after photo for my own record. I am NOT posting that one on the internet. Sorry. Then we went into our room and boy we got rid of buckets and buckets of un-wanted un-neccessary clothes, shoes, broken hangers, too small things, etc.
The nesting bug has hit, and I am not even pregnant (not even thinking about it!).

So my weakness is organization. I really want to become more organized in all areas of my life. My problem is I wait until the last minute. With all good intentions, but with the lack of time I fail to complete the job/task to the full potential. I feel we have made progress. We still have alot to do. I work over-full time at the family business, and my hubby has been putting extra hours in at his job the last couple weeks (yay!!) So needless to say we are moving pretty slow. I am hoping to get the upstairs complete by this weekend. I still need to tweak my closets some (we have 3 in our bedroom!), the coat/hall closet, and do a little finishing touches on the girls closets, and organize the kitchen cabinets.

                                                      I wish my closets all looked like this:

Wouldn't a shoe closet like this be heaven???

My dream basement/garage organization!!:

All in all we are just trying to de-clutter (or de-hoarderize) our whole life. We are one busy little family in desperate need to organize our time and home.

Ever heard of the Berenstain Bears and the Too Messy Room!! LOL another inspiration!

Once I get all finished getting things perfect comfortable I will post after photos. It really has been fun. Hubby has been willing to help out with folding the laundry along with me, and helping me go through things!

So all in all we are organizing and spending some 'quality' time together as a family, oh, the girls while we are 'de-hoarderize-ing'? Making more of a mess. I still haven't figured out how to get them to organize. Maybe one of these days!


  1. Sounds like quite a big task, I wish you luck!

  2. I love the inflatable pool "centerpiece" LOL
    New blog hop follower
    Sweet T Makes Three

  3. I have the same problem - I tend to hoard things that I think I can use in crafting later. But then I don't have time to do crafts . . . so I've had to force myself to stop! I wish I could get what I already have organized, lol.
    I'm a new follower from Totally Tuesday - I blog at Work From Home Star.


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