

Busy Happenings!!

Hello Friendlies!!!!

I've been back to work, and my house is no longer the subject of my scrutiny!!!! { it is ALWAYS under scrutiny....much to the relief of my little family!}

We are getting ready to head to sunnier skies {well warmer, because the sun has been shining the last couple of days around here} Our destination may or may not have something to do with big black ears!!!

I'll save a few pictures to share!

Thank you to Jami from Freckled Laundry for featuring my shower curtain project!

...and bathroom shelves are still waiting to become pretty. 

There has been some minor switching arounds that I started, before I went back to work, that will be shared as soon as we get home!

Thank you again for all the wonderful comments on my bedroom redo!! We definitely are enjoying a pretty room to snooze in:)



  1. Enjoy your time!! :) We are heading to Orlando in May!! xo

  2. I hope you have a ball. We were there a month or so ago and had a ball with all the kids. Put your sunscreen on! Hugs- Diana

  3. Jessica!
    Can you see me? I'm singing and dancing!
    After seeing Mama Mia this afternoon, and reading this cheerfilled post...what else can I do?
    I have a dream... A song to sing... To help me cope
    With anything ...If you see the wonder
    Of a fairy tale...I believe in angels
    Something good in everything I see
    I believe in angels!
    Oh how dreams come true!
    Have fun in the Magic Kingdom!

  4. I hope you have lots of fun! We went to Disneyworld last year for my son's birthday...he loved it.


I really enjoy reading your feedback!! Thank you very much for taking the time to write me a note!! xo ~*Jessica