

Living Room & Spring

I wasn't planning on showing this, because I don't like the way it's arranged right just doesn't seem to flow for me, but due to lack of being lazy wanting to move things around, I'm afraid it'll be this way for awhile!!

I picked up some grocery store tulips the other day. It's amazing what a little vase of flowers will do for your decor!! {hence my only bit of 'spring' touches}

{Special thanks to my new friend, Rachel, for this column!! I LOVE it!! Can't wait to change this loveseat in front of it...I do have dreams for it....and yes, it will be losing that blanket's just so cozy!}

My little retro kitchen's version of 'open shelf':

We are back safe and sound from our Make A Wish trip to Disneyworld. None of us had ever been to Florida, or Disney {Josh has been to Disneyland a couple of times}.

We had such an awesome time!!!

I posted on Maci's blog a few phone pictures. I have yet to go through the few hundreds on my camera....ahh some day!! :)

{This is how we felt by the end of it!!}

Linking {a little late} to:

Hope you, my friends, have a BLESSED Easter!!!



  1. Beautiful!! LOVE the column in your home!! xoxo

  2. I LOVE your big mirror.... It would look perfect in my home!!!

  3. So many beautiful things! I LOVE the wire baskets and your huge mirror and your book paper wreath looks great! I'm a new follower. :)

  4. So many pretty touches! Happy Easter!


I really enjoy reading your feedback!! Thank you very much for taking the time to write me a note!! xo ~*Jessica