As I was washing dishes this dawned on me!!
Today is special for two different reasons:
- It's been 21 years since I've found Jesus...I was seven years old. Still remember that Sunday night very clearly!! It's been a wonderful life.
- Today marks six months since Maci was diagnosed. Wow! Tears are streaming down my face as I am writing this.
Our family has changed, grown, accepted, denied, much!
Six months??? What in the world! I was 27, Josh was 33...I remember {still think sometimes} thinking...We are all WAY to young to have a child with cancer!
Now? I'm proud! We are surviving, we are growing, we are changing, we are BECOMING stronger.
Please don't think this has been an easy past six months!!! It by far has been the toughest of my life {I'm sure Josh's too}.
We've been forced to depend, trust, wonder, pray where the money would come to pay normal living expenses. Thank GOD! He answers prayers. When He answers...He ANSWERS!!
Yeah! We've definitely learned:
With God ALL things are possible.
Amongst building faith, trusting in God, and heart lessons, we've also learned a few other things!!!
1) I've always enjoyed
decorating...but I have become almost obsessed!! I have learned to repurpose, reuse, and recycle...and rediscovered my sewing machine. {LOVE the girls can help the little felt hearts Maci and I made for Valentines Day!!}
2) I am amazed how much
inspiration I've gotten from quotes, scriptures and songs. I've been down and out, then heard or read something and instantly I've felt better. {my ultimate favorites}:

3) We LOVE Purell!! I am addicted to the smell. I've tried off brands, other scents, but this is my ultimate favorite!! Also have accumulated lots of other
disinfectants!! Germs are bad...
4) We've learned a lot about
medicines...Maci has all of us beat by a long shot. That little girl has an arsenal!! This is just a few...home meds. I've had to keep them out, I've learned for me: if it's outta sight, it's outta mind! So putting them on a tray in the kitchen, seems to work for us.
5) See the presents on the floor?? Yep, still have to get them to my sister....{there's more Sarah...just not!} Whenever we'd make plans to get together...we were hospitalized, or someone wasn't feeling well {since Maci can't be around illness}, so we've learned to not make a big deal out of
messed up holidays....who says you can't celebrate on the calendar day??
6) All the chemo Maci has and still is receiving...can cause nausea...and make her sick. We've been lucky apparently to not have too much 'mess' {i.e. vomiting and diarrhea}. I learned this trick from another mom who's child receives chemo....sniff
alcohol {wipes work just fine} to relieve the nausea! I've tried it myself, for nausea...IT WORKS!! Whatever properties that are in the alcohol over powers and settles the stomach...{at least it worked for us...and the other mom's child}
7) Maci is a picky eater!! We almost had her eating pretty good, before the diagnose. But, with all the medicines, steroids, etc. She reverted! Can't knock us until you've experienced the affect of steroids. If you or your child was on steroids, and you were able to overcome the urges and cravings please advise!! But what Maci craved was cheese and pasta. Very nutritious!! I'm not hardcore on nutrition..but I do enjoy cooking and shopping for organic and natural ingredients as much as budget and availability allows. Anyway, my mom got us a juicer, so we've been able to get Maci to LOVE juice!!! We can juice sooo much nutrition into a glass..and she'll drink it! So we've been
juicing at least once a day. We've all pretty much found what combinations work for our taste buds...and the girls enjoy helping! We've learned to not go by what it looks like {color} haha! To date, the nastiest in color, have been the BEST tasting!!
8) I've become very thankful for my
phone & the apps!!! LOL! It has helped pass many hours in bed at the hospital and home...Maci's favorites have been Barbie fashionistas, and a baking game {thanks Monica for the recommendations!!!}
8) Maci has always been an
artistic person, but here is an example of some of her recent 'creations'- Her bobby pin dolly!!
9) I've had to learn to put MY dreams on hold....{selfishness!!} Trying to learn to be
less me, more others {& God}. For instance, we were wanting to go to Paris in a couple of years {our 10th anniversary}...but I've learned that Paris isn't going anywhere!! It'll still be available when we're ready to take it by storm!! In the meantime I'll just enjoy looking at pictures and little reminders...
10) Lastly, I've learned that
my baby really is AMAZING!!! {Thanks to Zia who got this sign for Maci!! Ever since Maci was born, she's called her 'Grace'}
That's all for today!!! {BTW incase you read
both my blogs..I'll posting this over there also!!}
Have a blessed weekend!!